Conditions And Services 

Providing the finest professional
medical services
medical services
Emergency Surgical Services
Managing emergency surgical procedures is one of our areas of expertise. You need a well-experienced surgeon to perform this task and take the responsibility of managing the most complicated surgical conditions, which present themselves to the hospital Emergency Room.

Our surgeons share ER coverage for hospitals and there is always someone who is on call 24/7 to cover this part of the practice.
Our surgeons implement the minimally invasive laparoscopic approach to treat these urgent conditions, which include but are not limited to acute appendicitis, cholecystitis and other Gall bladder problems, diagnostic laparoscopy, Intestinal obstruction and bowel perforations due to many different etiologies.

Our surgeons share ER coverage for hospitals and there is always someone who is on call 24/7 to cover this part of the practice.
Our surgeons implement the minimally invasive laparoscopic approach to treat these urgent conditions, which include but are not limited to acute appendicitis, cholecystitis and other Gall bladder problems, diagnostic laparoscopy, Intestinal obstruction and bowel perforations due to many different etiologies.